Rapid Insights: My Lady Jane Delivers a Spirited Blend of Comedy, Romance, and Historical Fantasy

Recently, Amazon Prime Video released a spirited new dramedy that takes a page straight out of the English history books–and then shreds it. Based on a popular novel, the show imagines an alternate ‘what if’ life story for Lady Jane Grey, the real-life “Nine Days’ Queen” who was beheaded in 1554 at age 17. Instead, the show offers her a reprieve, following her fiery exploits as she marries the delectable Lord Guildford and forges her own path in a repressive Tudor society.

Here’s what you need to know about My Lady Jane:

Vault uses index scores to describe the impact a given story/theme/element will have on specific KPIs: 
≤79 Disappointing  80-89 Challenging  90-109 Average  110-119 Promising  120+ Outstanding

Who’s been watching this fun new series? 
Older women. We’re seeing a viewership that’s mostly female (66%) and mostly aged 30+ (61%), a profile extremely similar to the streaming audiences for other historical dramas with strong leading ladies, such as Bridgerton, OutlanderDickensonReign, and The White Queen.

What’s the most important genre in its mix? 
Romance. My Lady Jane is a freewheeling blend of various eclectic elements, from History (131) to Fantasy (123) to Adventure (120), but it’s the sparkling Romantic Tension (147) between core couple Lady Jane and Lord Guildford that’s driving ratings. At the same time, a healthy dose of suspenseful action and narrow escapes (Life in Danger, 116), combined with dark, raunchy comedy (Adult Humor, 116) and a dryly witty Voice-Over Narration (126), offers strong support and maintains the show’s bingeability.

How important is Jane herself? 
Very. Gutsy and complex, Jane is a Strong Female Protagonist (134) that makes waves and draws viewers. In an era when women’s only option is marriage, she’s determined to maintain her independence, her power–and her head, in a clever twist on the tragic real-life history (Based on Historical Events, 112). Her Bravery (123) in fighting back against her prescribed place in society–especially with her family in dire financial straits (Overcoming Adversity, 132)–and her Life-Changing Decision (114) to go her own way even after she’s forced to wed not only gooses ratings for the series but will also boost its chances of reaching a second season.

What else is drawing viewers to My Lady Jane? 
Palace intrigue. With a focus on British Culture (114) that’s especially appealing in America, many of the characters surrounding Jane are also pulled straight from the annals of English Tudor Royalty (128): Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I. As the story opens, Edward is on the throne and Mary and her lover are scheming to take over, engaging in all sorts of Political Manipulation (118)–including some carefully-placed poisons–to sate their nefarious Ambition & Drive (125). Their twisted machinations create a secondary pull for both ratings and bingeability as audiences stay tuned to see what happens.

How’s the show’s social buzz? 
At the top of the charts. The online chatter surrounding My Lady Jane immediately maxed out our social buzz meter (at 160) with the same-day release of its entire first season, and it has remained there ever since.


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*Publicly released trailers for series are evaluated using Vault’s algorithms – utilizing our proprietary 120K+ story element database alongside viewership performance and other datasets – to identify unique combinations of stories, themes, characters, and genre elements that will drive success.

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